Our activities

Our Higher Education Institutions

Over more than five decades of activities, our Institutions meet some of the best academic indicators in Brazil according to the Ministry of Education (MEC), and are considered references for quality education.

Cruzeiro do Sul Educacional offers solid and representative brands in their respective markets, featuring the characteristics of the different cities in Brazil where they are located, preserving the identity of each one.

Our teaching-learning methodology is modern, innovative, and executed by a faculty composed of professionals with masters and doctors. To provide a complete experience in higher education, our campuses are equipped with a leading infrastructure, with all the necessary support for the full academic and professional development of our students with quality, tradition, and credibility.

Higher Education


Cruzeiro do Sul Virtual is our Distance-Learning brand with national presence

With the highest quality indicators, the Cruzeiro do Sul Educacional Distance-Learning is strategically organized under a single national brand, Cruzeiro do Sul Virtual, which combines regional recognition, courses and programs of seven institutions of the Company accredited to offer courses in the distance learning modality. Based on a comprehensive portfolio, we offer undergraduate, graduate, free, and technical courses, in the most diverse areas of knowledge.


A comprehensive network with leading infrastructure

Cruzeiro do Sul Virtual offers a network of centers across all Brazilian states and the Federal District, as well as a center in Japan. All of them maintain the standard of structural quality and student services required by Cruzeiro do Sul Virtual.

More than 1,713 distance-learning centers

More than 1,713 distance-learning centers

provides in-person support for Cruzeiro do Sul Virtual's students

Present all over Brazil

Present all over Brazil

with centers located in all states and one in Japan

More than 345 thousand students

More than 345 thousand students

distributed in technical, undergraduate and graduate courses.

Innovation and Technology

Innovation and Technology

are always part of the infrastructure offered through the most modern virtual learning platforms or teaching methodologies.


Learn about our accredited institutions for Distance-Learning

Our Medical Courses

The main characteristic of the four medical courses at Cruzeiro do Sul Educacional is the combination of technical qualification and humanized training, seeking to develop collaborative, affective, and empathic abilities in students, through socialization and promotion of interest in knowledge.

We are committed to the excellent training of future physicians through innovative, student-centered teaching and learning methodologies and a unique infrastructure, which combines high-fidelity simulation laboratories, partnerships with major hospitals, and a distinguished faculty. All this supported by institutions with strong regional brands and superior quality.

Therefore, we are very proud to confirm that our Medicine courses hold outstanding positions in the best academic indicators in the country, in comparative rankings of Brazilian public and private educational institutions.


Our Schools

The foundation of Colégio Cruzeiro do Sul, in 1965, began our group’s journey in changing lives through quality education. Currently, besides the institution that originated the group, there are three other schools that comprise Cruzeiro do Sul Educacional, from Kindergarten to High School.

All offer a differentiated teaching model, meeting the characteristics of each region, providing the development of the competencies required for the students to make their choices in order to become conscious, responsible, and collaborative citizens in the society in which they live.
